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Monday, November 12, 2012

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright. 


Day 1
So this is the long ass story of how our 1st trip went. We were supposed to board the flight to Chiang Mai at 6:55am. We gathered around 5am. Checked in, had breakfast, but we were late. We were supposed to reach the departure hall before 6:35 but we reached at 6:45 instead & the gate was closed & our flight left without us. We panicked especially daddy. He was leading the church team & then this happened. He even wanted to cancel the whole trip because we can't get flights anymore. But after that they got flights to Phuket & then will transit to Chiang Mai. I was expecting to visit Phuket but we don't have the time (they said) so we basically just hung around the airport (at Burger King) for like 4/5 hours. Yep, we conquered the place & me & daddy even had our naps there '-' That's probably one of the most embarrassing thing ever. But who cares not like the people there will ever meet me again, cause you know, YOLO. LOL

So we reached Chiang Mai at 9pm, then we will get on the car up hill all the way to Chiang Rai, & then up some mountains again, to the very north of Thailand. So we could serve there (the church team visiting the village there) it's a freaking 6 hours trip lol. BUTT ACHE. We reached our destination at 3:30am & then goodnight! 

Pictures ;-)

While packing lolol

Had very late dinner at the streets. 

Thailand's Kuey Teow Soup. It's good.

The place we're sleeping at for the 1st few days joining the church & the kids. 200+ kids okay  NO JOKE. It's crazy. But fun! Their lifestyles are soooooo simple & poor. Breaks my heart.

Breakfast! We had a heavy one, had lots of rice & dishes. 

My fave! It's like oriented bacon, Thailand version of bacon ahaha.

Day 2


Lunch provided for the kids.

Got onto the back of the four wheel drive & drove around. Super fun.

Visited a large field with these flower walls. Snapped a few pictures but it's kind of blur #fail Pretty yellow who-knows-what-they-are-called flowers

Exceeded my 1GB photo uploader, this is bad. There are a few more pictures from the 2nd day trip & I'd promise to update more in the next post! Much loves! 

Going back to Chiang Mai tomorrow! Waking up early to visit the town market. Looking forward!

God bless, 

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