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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Be as happy as possible.


This is the kind of post that means nothing. It's just a few shots from my cam. & basically I just ran out of topic to blog about because school started & I hasn't been going out. & I'd been spending a lot of time at home, trying to get used to the form 4 life which by the way is quite stressful. I was newly exposed to new subjects like add math, chemistry, physics or biology or stuff like that so I'm trying to like get used to the subjects. Trying my best. 2013 hasn't been really great so far, despite all that emotional & dislike-ness & all my basic crap, I'm still looking forward to rest of 2013. ( DUH I MEAN IT'S JUST 12 DAYS I CAN HANDLE THESE, I MADE IT SOUND LIKE I ALMOST DIED. )

My 1st self shot on 2013. HAHAHAHLOL. Was otw to a New Year dinner at Shogun that day with my churchies, didn't take pictures but the food was good & I was super happy & satisfied. SALMON SASHIMI FTW. 

Cherries from my favourite aunt Jamie from Australia.


wrapped belated christmas presents with mommy & my aunt LOL WHAT. HAHAH. It was so colourful, I mean despite all the retarded wrapping skills, they made me so damn happy. 

WHAT. It's a meaningless post, therefore here's a meaningless photo, a meaningless photo of my hair which is being so good today & I was so happy so YAH. (shut up, ok)

Plus, I'm getting a haircut. But I'm having a serious dilemma about what should I get. A drastic hair change, which means going short/shoulder length like my favourite blogger at the moment *ahem* Rachel Wong cause she's so damn adorable & pretty I like her LOL. ( DONT JUDGE OK ) or stick to my old boring hairstyle. Cause I think this don't just happen to me, I mean, I'm so paranoid. What if the new hair won't look good on me & I'll look like shit & my hair will take forever to grow back to my old length? Or I should seriously try something new with my hair already?

 I'm a badass cause I wear shades. OK JK. OK MAYBE NOT JK AT ALL. 

"Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes."

Have a nice day.


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